Telling Room & Blueberries

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes articles on the Telling Room’s newly published anthology of stories and poems about food by young writers. The article also includes some excerpts from the new book which is titled Can I Call You Cheesecake?

“When I was 9, I wished I could be a carrot,” writes Christina Murray, who attends Catherine McAuley High School. “I could’ve disappeared behind a cliff of meatloaf or under a river of gravy at the dinner table.”

and an article about blueberries appearance on a list of popular fruits and vegetables with a high risk of pesticide contamination.

This year’s Dirty Dozen list is a good tool for shoppers looking to avoid pesticides in their fruits and vegetables, but bad news for blueberries.

For the first time, the guide compiled by the Environmental Working Group includes the much-touted superfood on the list. The fruit clocks in at No. 5, ahead of nectarines and after apples.

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