Sharon Kitchens in Boston Globe Magazine

Maine food blogger Sharon Kitchens was featured the Boston Globe Magazine this past weekend.

Before opting for a quieter existence in Maine, Kitchens, now 40, worked in the film industry in New York and Los Angeles. In 2008, she moved to a funky factory-turned-loft in Somerville’s Davis Square, where she joined a community-supported agriculture farm-share and a local fish-share and grew vegetables with neighbors on the roof. Finding herself drawn more and more to the idea of sustainable living, Kitchens decided it was time to commit. In 2011, she purchased an 1830s farmhouse with an attached barn and chicken coop on about 2 acres of land in Raymond, Maine, some 20 miles northwest of Portland.

Kitchens is the author of The Root and Delicious Musings. She lives in Raymond where she gardens as well as keeps bees and chickens.

2 comments on “Sharon Kitchens in Boston Globe Magazine

  1. Kate, and PFM’s “A” thank you!!! What would a gal do w/out your support? Love PFM, honor to have you link to this…fyi, friend in D.C. saw the article on his newsfeed FROM…PFM!! He subscribes to a site called “newsie” so you are national. Cool, cool…ox

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