Burger Meister Meister Reviews: Becky’s, Cantina, Miss Portland, Rivalries, Rosie’s Ruski’s, Sonny’s

The team over at Burger Meister Meister has just posted a passel of new burger reviews for Becky’s, El Rayo Cantina, Miss Portland Diner, Rivalries, Rosie’s , Ruski’s and Sonny’s. For most restaurants their reviews have a wide variety of opinion but Sonny’s was an exception. Here’s an excerpt from their review of Sonny’s burger.

I was pleasantly surprised by this burger.  It had a lot going on!  The best part was the roasted poblano pepper on top.  It was smoky and just a little spicy – a really nice, unusual touch.  I don’t really remember what else was on the burger, because everything was outshined by that pepper.  I think there were some messy sauces, and some yummy cheeses, wait, there was definitely a burger patty… yeah.  It was worth eating, it would even be worth wearing a cute outfit for. 

How many hours would I work for this burger?  I’m just going to ask this burger to marry me.  That way, it will be at my house waiting for me everyday.

Burger Meister Meister is a collaboration among a set of friends who have as a goal to eat a burger from a different venue each week. They’re now up to week 44 and still going strong.

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