Upcoming Events

Wednesday – Famed apple expert John Bunker will be delivering a talk at Oyster River Wine Growers on the apple history of the Oyster River Road area—tickets. SOS Tiki Bar will be taking over the bar at Crown Jewel.

September 10 – the Maine Cheese Festival is taking place.

September 18 – an all-star line-up of female chefs from Maine are collaborating on multi-course Fabulous Femmes dinner to benefit MOFGA and to highlight Maine women in farming.

September 24The Saltyard is holding a cocktail brunch at Wolfe’s Neck Center in Freeport.

September 24-30Maine Lobster Week is taking place.

September 30Tender Table is holding their 3rd annual food and art fair in Congress Square Park.

October 7Oxbow is holding their annual Goods from the Woods event in Newcastle, Maine.

October 8Dandelion Spring Farms is holding a Harvest Dinner, and Maine Open Creamery Day is taking place.

October 25-28 – Harvest on the Harbor is taking place.

November 5Chaval is holding a late harvest dinner at Wolfe’s Neck Center in Freeport.