Trader Joe Exploreation and Meatless Meetup

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes a report from Meredith Goad, a self-confessed Trader Joe’s virgin, on her exploration of the TJ in Cambridge,

The bottom line: I didn’t have a religious conversion, but I do get why people are so in love with Trader Joe’s. And I think it would find a good niche here in Portland without compromising the existence of Whole Foods or any other local stores. The Wild Oats space seems like a perfect spot for Joe to move in.

and a Natural Foodie article penned by Avery Yale Kamila on the Meatout dinner taking place this Saturday at the Pepperclub.

As of Monday, more than 40 people had RSVP’ed for the all-vegan meal, and organizer Sarah Conroy is committed to finding seats for anyone else who’d like to attend. The dinner is part of the Maine Vegan Meetup dinners that Conroy coordinates each month; however, this particular meal is open to folks who aren’t members of the Meetup, as long as they reserve a spot in advance.

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