Review of The Front Room

The Front Room received 3 stars from a review in today’s Maine Sunday Telegram.

The Front Room, one of three Portland “Rooms” that chef Lee Harding Smith opened in Portland (The Grill Room and The Corner Room being the others), has garnered avid followers and good press. On a Tuesday night, plenty of people were lining up for supper.

My experience did not measure up to the hoopla.

I’d like to see some of the centerpieces we had — that juicy chicken, tender beef and silky smooth potatoes, for instance — get to show off their innate flavors. Let herbs, burgundy, garlic and such outshine the salt in the well-conceived items. A little hovering and tasting was in order.

One comment on “Review of The Front Room

  1. Cathrynne Valente, a local writer who lives on Peaks Island, has a wonderful response to this review in the comments section for the review.

    She, like myself, was puzzled by the too much salt remarks.

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