Today's Press Herald

Paciarino and its two owners, Fabiana de Savino and Enrico Barbiero, were profiled in the Food & Health section of today’s Press Herald.

“De Savino and Barbiero have been getting a taste of Maine through their newfound love for chowders. They hope customers will get a taste of their home country through Paciarino, which gets its name from an Italian word representing the special foods grandmothers prepare on Sundays.”

Also in today’s paper was a report on Lowe’s effort to help remodel the food distribution area at the Wayside Soup Kitchen.

Today’s Press Herald

Paciarino and its two owners, Fabiana de Savino and Enrico Barbiero, were profiled in the Food & Health section of today’s Press Herald.

“De Savino and Barbiero have been getting a taste of Maine through their newfound love for chowders. They hope customers will get a taste of their home country through Paciarino, which gets its name from an Italian word representing the special foods grandmothers prepare on Sundays.”

Also in today’s paper was a report on Lowe’s effort to help remodel the food distribution area at the Wayside Soup Kitchen.

Cold River Vodka

Wine Enthusiast has listed Cold River Vodka in a recent article on the Top 50 Spirits of 2008.

“The lovely, austere and enticing bouquet offers scents of black pepper, charcoal and limestone. Entry is sweet and lightly spiced; at midpalate luscious tastes of caramel corn, charcoal, quartz and cocoa bean make for wonderful North American unflavored vodka drinking. Concludes smooth, complex and layered. A coming superstar.”

Kosher Food

Little Lad’s Bakery & Cafe on Congress Street  which is already known for its vegetarian fare is in the process of becoming a kosher restaurant as well. They’re working with Rabbi Akiva Herzfeld from Congreation Shaarey Tphiloh to bring their operation in alignment with kosher food preparation standards. Shaarey Tphiloh was also recently the location of the 2nd Annual Top Latke competition.  James Lockman was the winner for his sweet potato and horseradish latke.

Slainte’s Liquor License

According to The Bollard, the City Council’s recent vote not to renew Slainte’s liquor license is irrelevant because of a bureaucratic snafu.

“In a memo dated January 8, city attorney Gary Wood told councilors their vote to strip Slainte’s liquor license was moot, because state liquor authorities had already granted the bar’s license renewal request based on the city’s initial recommendation.”

The article goes on to indicate that the bar owner wasn’t aware of the issue until The Bollard contacted him for comment.

Eat the View Update

Today’s Press Herald has an update on Roger Doiron’s campaign to get the next administration to plant a vegetable garden on the White House lawn.

“I like to think of the White House as America’s house,” Doiron said in a telephone interview Wednesday, “and I think it should have a vegetable garden. … One of the first things John Adams, the first president to live in the White House, did was to plant a vegetable garden.”

January Bollard

The new issue of The Bollard includes a another installment in the Land of Forgotten Cocktails series by mixologist John Myers, a few more details about the new restaurant that Binga’s hopes to open on Washington Avenue, as well as a review of the caprine cuisine at Federal Spice and Hamdi Restaurant and Grocery. The goat dish at Federal Spice is one of the Jamaican items on the menu added by owner Eric Martin.

“The Curried Goat Platter at Federal Spice in downtown Portland is a pile of braised goat chunks served beside a pile of rice and peas…the curried goat at Federal Spice is the real deal.”

“Gastronomically, the goat plate at Hamdi is remarkably similar to the one served at Federal Spice: a big plate of flavorful meat falling off the bones, and a mound of tasty yellow rice. “