This Week's Events:Allagash Dinner, Brewer's Festival, Rwandan Cooking Class, Chimay

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place, Vignola is holding their 5th Annual Allagash Beer Dinner, and both Grace and Wine Wise are holding wine education events.
ThursdayThe Great Lost Bear will showcase brews from all of the Portland breweries and Downeast Beverage will hold a beer tasting.
Friday — The first night of the 17th Annual Maine Brewer’s Festival (more info), a Rwandan cooking class is taking place, the West End Deli is holding a wine tasting and the First Friday Art Walk is taking place which usually kicks the competition for a table at your favorite restaurant up a notch (more than 60% on OpenTable are already booked solid for the 7 pm time slot) so make your reservations early.
SaturdayLeRoux Kitchen is holding a wine tasting, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place and it’s the last night of the 17th Annual Maine Brewer’s Festival.
Sunday — Novare Res is holding a Chimay beer event.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.
If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

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