Take a Bite Out of Appledore

Chefs Sam Hayward and Evan Mallett (Black Trumpet) are helping lead an eco-culinary island retreat on Appledore Island September 1-3.

Participants will forage for edible plants across the island, exploring trails and gardens, both maintained and wild. Along the rocky shore, comb for molluscs and seaweed, much like the island’s colonial inhabitants. Ship out to sea in search of oceanic fish and benthic life as you learn each species’ role in Gulf of Maine fisheries.

Dinners will be served en plein air with ocean views abound and the calls of passing seabirds in your ears. Sit with a glass of wine in hand as the smell of steamed shellfish wafts off your plate. Take a Bite out of Appledore is the perfect weekend getaway for connisseurs of food, science, and Isles of Shoals culture!

One comment on “Take a Bite Out of Appledore

  1. Sounds terrific, fun and informational. I’ll be with you in spirit, being a direct descendent of one of the interesting people of Appledore–Philip Babb. Of Babb’s Rock and Babb’s Cove, he came to the Isles of Shoals in the 1660s from England and became one of the first Constables of the Isles. He lived on Appledore (then Hog Island), and his descendants have spread throughout the US.
    I’ve been out to Appledore over 30 yrs ago on a birding tour — amazing! I hope you have success And fun.

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