
A new local food site, DineInPortland.com, has been added to the blog list on the food map. DineInPortland.com plans on limiting its commentary to the “best of the best”. The narrower scope is balanced by continuing “to visit them to see how well they do in the long run.”

3 comments on “DineInPortland.com

  1. Interesting idea I suppose. However I do find it comical he feels the need to slam on Dimillos (despite saying he’s never been there) and then ends the mini rant by stating “I have nothing to say.”
    A paragraph is not nothing to say.

  2. I, too, dislike the slam on the not-visited DiMillo’s. It’s much better to choose to not go to a place AFTER visiting. Also, it would sooth my anal-retentive nerves if Max would god a spell/grammar check before posting.

  3. I was intrigued by the sounds of this DiMillos review, went to check it out myself…but it has disappeared!

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