Cold Brew Coffee, Venue, A Little Chicken with that Vodka

The Portland Daily Sun interviewed Jeremy Pelkey from Bard, Stella Hernandez from Hilltop and others about a cold brew method for ice coffee that’s gaining currency in Portland coffee houses,

“A lot of people go for the cream and sugar, they know what they like, but we recommend trying it without,” said Jeremy Pelkey owner of Bard Coffee, where they have been using the cold brew technique in their iced coffee since day one.

The techniques differs from the traditional ice coffee technique, which calls for hot coffee to be brewed at twice it’s normal strength and then chilled, a method that according to some, dilutes the drink when poured over ice.

Wednesday’s newspaper also included a report on the opening of Venue Music Bar,

A counterpart to Venue at 5 Depot St., Box 5, in Freeport, Portland’s version is larger, accommodating around 150 inside with a deck that seats 50.

“The idea here is to do bigger shows, more food, lunch, dinner, happy hours,” Roper said.

and an article on how “Adding liquor can add some culinary zest” to a dish.

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