Maine Beer Trail

A Blog About Beer has a report about the new Maine Beer Trail and some suggestions (be more complete, give participants a fun incentive to make the rounds) on how to improve it.

While I think the Maine Beer Trail is a great idea (I’ve been calling for its creation forever), and a tourist-driven, Maine-brewing-community-collaborative is exactly what the state needs, the initial version of the Trail the Guild has rolled out leaves a little something to be desired.

Guinness Primer

In anticipation of St. Patrick’s Day, The Maine Switch has published a primer on drinking Guinness.

Being that it’s a glass full of black, it has to be bitter with an aftertaste that hangs on for days. No thanks, was always my answer. I’d rather settle for a Coors Light than go down that road.

But since we’re closing in on that annual celebration of St. Patrick, the day when the Guinness flows non-stop at places like Ri Ra, Bull Feeney’s and Brian Boru, I figured it was high time I actually gave the old Irish favorite a try.