Top 10 Under $10, Beer Edition

Inspired by Broke 207’s list of cheap eats under $10, Brews & Books has put together a list of the best craft beers available for less than $8 a six pack.

After reading the list, I says to myself … “there should really be a list like this for beer!” A list of beer that doesn’t suck, and beer that isn’t super-expensive. Obviously, cost is relative (lots of people would call anything over five dollars for a six-pack outrageous), but I’m going to say that less than eight dollars for a bunch of really good beer is on the cheap end of the spectrum.

One comment on “Top 10 Under $10, Beer Edition

  1. Great blog post but really no shout out to the “High Life”? Come on. High Life has been making the broke guy feel like royalty for a long time. 🙂

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