Whoopie Pies, the State Dessert (Updated)

The Maine Committee on State and Local Government met this morning to consider HP 59, An Act To Designate the Whoopie Pie as the State Dessert. The bill defines a whoopie pie as “a baked good made of 2 chocolate cakes with a creamy frosting between them”.

MPBN aired a report on the Whoopie Pie initiative this evening,

And at least once a year, connoisseurs of the whoopie pie from all over the country travel to Davis’s Piscataquis County to attend the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival in Dover-Foxcroft. Davis says there nothing frivolous about the economic impact it has on the region.

As it turns out, demand for whoopie pies is up. “Whoopie pies have been on the rise for several years and no one can pinpoint exactly the reason,” said Amos Orcutt, of the Maine Whoopie Pie Association. Yes, there is such a thing.

MPBN also has posted a recording of the official Whoopie Pie song on their site.

The Portland Daily Sun published a whoopie pie article on Tuesday which delved into the competing claims between Maine and Pennsylvania,

“Clearly Maine has fired the first salvo in what future generations will refer to as the Whoopie Pie War of 2011. The question is, will we pie-lovin’
Pennsylvanians defend our whoopies,” said one commenter on a PennLive.com article about the Maine bill.

Tuesday’s Press Herald article on the whoopie pie legislation has more detail on the proposal to make blueberry pie the state dessert,

On Monday, at a hearing before the Legislature’s State and Local Government Committee, Rep. Donald Pilon dismissed whoopies as “frosting delivery vehicles” and suggested that wild-blueberry pie deserves to be the state’s official dessert.

Down East magazine conducted an informal poll of their Facebook fans on the question of whoopie pies vs blueberry pie. Blueberry pie won out, 28 to 13.

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